Central Research Laboratory Application and Research Center

Thermal Analysis and AAS Laboratory

Thermal Analysis and AAS Laboratory

Laboratory Supervisors and Device Users

(Laboratory Supervisor and Device User)

E-Mail: fkayis@adiyaman.edu.tr  

Phone : +90 416 2233800 - 2253   

Zubeyde Nur GOKDOGAN
(Device User)

E-Mail: zgokdogan@adiyaman.edu.tr  

Web: -
Phone :
+90 416 2233800 - 2260 

(Device User)

E-Mail: sdurak@adiyaman.edu.tr
Web: -

Phone : +90 416 2233800 - 2260

 Device Name

Differential Scanning Calorimeter Device (DSC)

 Device Brand and Model


General Information

Differential Scanning Calorimeter Device (DSC) measures the amount of energy absorbed or released while the sample is heated, cooled or kept at a constant temperature. In this technique, the temperature difference from or away from the sample by reference is shown depending on the temperature or time. DSC uses the same measurement principles as DTA.
Both contain samples and references. Differently, in DSCs working with the power compensation principle, the sample temperature and the reference temperature are kept the same. If a temperature difference is detected between the sample and the reference, the amount of energy (power) supplied to the sample is changed to keep the temperature the same. In this way, the amount of heat transfer during phase change in the sample can be determined. 

Sample Preparation

For the scales, it is appropriate to use a sample of a suitable size but as small as possible (5-10 mg) and a powder dispersed sample.
Sample shape is also important in thermal measurements. The sample cup and the sample surface should be in contact. Especially in DSC and DTA measurements, our sample should fit perfectly into the sample container. In sensitive measurements, the contact surface should be increased by using the cover.

Usage Area

DSC's usage points are polymer, plastic, food, medication, ceramic and glass applications.

Analysis Request Form for DSC Analysis

Device Users

(Device User)

E-Mail: mehmetkarakus@adiyaman.edu.tr 
Web: - 

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2254    


(Device User)

E-Mail: kturkan@adiyaman.edu.tr 
Web: - 

Phone: (+90 416 2233800 - 2354

Device Name

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) 

Device Brand and Model

Perkin Elmer PINAACLE 900T

General Information

Atomic absorption spectroscopy is a single element technique used to determine the concentration of a metal element in a liquid solution. This technique works by calculating the amount of UV and visible light absorbed by free atoms as they move from the ground state to the excited state. The radiation emitted from the cathode lamp( the cylindrical lamps filled with an inert gas such as neon or argon at low pressure. The cathode is in the shape of a hollow cylinder and is made of an analysis element) used specifically for the measured element is passed through the existing flame (atomizer) and measured by a segmented solid state detector. The decrease in radiation intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing element in the environment.

Atomization enables the atoms in the basic state of the substance to be analyzed to be converted into free atoms.  In flame atomizers, the sample solution is sprayed to the flame with the help of an air fogger.

Apart from these, graphite furnaces, also called electrothermal atomizers, are used as atomizers.. A separate power source is used for their heating and they are more expensive systems. Very small sample volumes (5-50 ml) are sufficient for these system and the sensitivity is much higher than to flame.

Flame temperature is important in AAS. The desired temperature depends on the fuel / oxidizer (burner) ratio and thus on the flow rate. Maximum temperature is achieved when the proportions of fuel and oxidizer are in stoichiometric amounts. Optimum temperatures depend on the excitation and ionization potential of the material to be analyzed.

 Sample Preparation

Sample preparation is a critical step in trace element and mineral analysis by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The samples should be taken into solution after being taken properly and after some preliminary processes.

  • Liquid samples can be given directly to the device if they are clean. If the samples are dirty and have particles in them, filter paper should be passed through 0.45 micron filters or, depending on the circumstances, 0.22 micron filters and given to the device.
  • Solid Samples Soil and rock samples are pulverized by crushing, reducing and grinding processes.
  • After grinding, all samples are passed through a fine sieve.
  • Powder and solid samples are subjected to digestion process in microwave digestion unit with the help of appropriate acids or acids (HF, HCl, H2SO4, HNO3) and the sample becomes liquid.
  • Samples and standard solutions are stored in plastic bottles in a cabinet not to be exposed to sunlight.
  • Sample preparation methods largely depend on the method of determination to be used and the sample to be analyzed.

Usage Area

Commonly analyzed samples;

  • Water and environmental analysis (drinking water, wastewater, solid wastes, soil and sludge)
  • Geological minerals (soil, rock) It is used in determination of minerals in geology, in finding trace element amounts.
  • Food analysis
  • Biochemical products
  • Metallurgical materials. 

Elements Analyzed: Aluminum (Al), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Potassium (K), Sodium (Na), Silver (Ag), Chromium (Cr), Silicon (Si), Nickel (Ni) and Cd (Cadmium)

Analysis request form for AAS analysis