Central Research Laboratory Application and Research Center

Sample Preparation Laboratory

Sample Preparation Laboratory

Laboratory Supervisors and Device Users

(Laboratory Supervisor and Device User)

E-Mail: erkandogan@adiyaman.edu.tr

Web: Erkan DOĞAN
Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2258

(Device User)

E-Mail: bkarabulut@adiyaman.edu.tr

Web: Bayhan KARABULUT 
Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2258

(Device User)

E-Mail: sdurak@adiyaman.edu.tr

Web: ­-
Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2260

Device Name

Water Analysis Device

Device Brand and Model

Hachlange & DR 6000

General Information

It is a UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a wavelength range between 190 and 1100 nm.This instrument is used to determine the quality parameters in aqueous solutions. The basic logic is based on the principle of determining the quantitative value of the substance sought in the solution content by determining the intensity of light that can pass through the solution (not absorbed by the solution).

 Sample Preparation

For chemical analysis, the water sample should be placed in clean glass bottles. Sample containers should be rinsed at least three times with sample water. If there is no confidence in the cleanliness of the bottles, they should be washed with 1/50 diluted HCl or royal water (3 HCl + 1 HNO3), rinsed well, then rinsed at least three times with the water to be sampled. The water to be taken as samples should be drained for 3 - 5 minutes. Sampling bottles should be filled up to the cap with the sample water so that no air gap is left, and their mouths should be closed with the same type of cap to prevent contact with air. Water analysis should be done within 48 hours at the latest. In case of being kept, the water should be kept at 8-15 ° C. Turbid waters should be used after filtering. A label should be attached to the bottle to be sampled, and the name and surname of the sampler, the name of the water source, the date and time the sample was taken, the temperature at the place where the sample was taken and the desired analysis parameters should be written.

Usage Area

Many chemical parameters are examined in drinking water, industrial waste water, swimming pool water, well water, surface water, treatment water, spring water and aquaculture pool water.

Analysis Request Form for Water Analyses

Device Users

(Device User)

E-Mail: erkandogan@adiyaman.edu.tr

Web: Erkan DOGAN
Phone:  +90 416 2233800 - 2258

(Device User)

E-Mail: sdurak@adiyaman.edu.tr

Web: ­-
Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2260

Device Name

Microplate Spectrophotometer

Device Brand and Model

Thermo & 3001

General Information

Spectrophotometer is a kind of photometer and is used to find the amount of substance in solution. Its basic logic is based on the principle of transmitting light in certain spectrums from the prepared solution and finding out how much of this beam is absorbed by the solution. The spectrophotometer determines the intensity of light that can pass through the solution (not absoped by the solution) and provides quantitative information about the amount of the sought substance in the solution.

 Sample Preparation

The samples are taken in a 96-well plate prepared by the customer in accordance with the criteria below.

Sample acceptance criteria;

  • Pathogenic samples (bacteria, viruses, etc.) are not accepted to our laboratory.
  • Samples requiring cold chain should be delivered to our laboratory without breaking the cold chain.
  • Sample packages must have a label containing information to explain the sample (Samples must be coded by the customer starting from 01. Only sample codes will be specified in the test report).

Estimated analysis time is 15-20 minutes for 1 plate.

Usage Area

Usage Areas can be listed as elisa, Kinetic and end-point readings, genetic analysis, cell replication, spectral screening, food safety and quality, bacterial identification, drug production, total protein determination, nucleic acid purity analysis.

Analysis Request Form for Microplate

Device Users


(Device User)

E-Mail: fkayis@adiyaman.edu.tr  

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2253


(Device User)

E-Mail: bkarabulut@adiyaman.edu.tr

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2258

Analysis Name

Organic Elemental Analyzer (CHNS)  

Device Brand and Model

THERMO SCİENTİFİC  & FLASH 2000 / MAS 200R (Otosampler)

General Information

With this device, determination of the element percentages of Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N) and Sulfur (S), which are in the structure of organic substances in solid samples, by combustion can be made simultaneously.

In general, the working principle of the device can be explained as follows. The sample is put into a tin (Sn) capsule and then oxidized by burning. The resulting gas mixture is sent to a chromatography column with a carrier inert gas (He). Here, the mixture gases formed and separated by burning with Oxygen (O2) gas are directed to a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and an electrical signal proportional to the amount of each separated gas is obtained. This electrical signal then gives the percentage of elemental composition of the sample in proportion to the curve areas obtained in the spectrum. The combustion gas mixture is sent to an oxidizing catalyst zone (CuO) to fully perform the quantitative combustion process. Nitrogen oxides and SO3 are then reduced in a reduction zone with Copper (Cu). Thus N2, CO2,

The standard used is BBOT [2,5-Bis (5-tert-butyl-benzoxazol-2-yl) thiophene]; N%: 6.51, C%: 72.53, H%: 6.09, S%: 7.44 and the total sampling time is 10 minutes.

Elemental Analyzer consists of 5 parts;

  • Chromatography column,
  • Adsorption filters,
  • Reactors,
  • Autosampler,
  • TCD Detector.

Sample Preparation

Approximately 2-3 mg solid and homogeneous sample is weighed in a tin capsule and given to the device.

Usage Area

  • Industrial Chemistry (polymer)
  • Environment (soil, sediment,)
  • Pharmaceutical and chemical industries
  • Plastics
  • Resins
  • Organic compound
  • Homogeneous matrices

Analysis Request Form for CHNS Analysis

Device Users

(Device User)

E-mail : fkayis@adiyaman.edu.tr

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2253

(Device User)

E-mail: etemurtas@adiyaman.edu.tr

Internal: +90 416 2233800 - 2255

Device Name

Total Organic Carbon Analyzer - Combustion Type (TOC)

Device Brand Name and Model


General Information

Total Organic Carbon (TOC): It is the sum of organically bonded carbons present in the sample.

Total Carbon (TC): It is the sum of organic and inorganic carbons in the sample.

Inorganic Carbon (IC): It is the sum of elemental carbon, total carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanide, cyanate and thiocyanates in the sample.

Non-volatile Organic Carbon (NPOC): It is the sum of non-volatile organically bonded carbons in the sample.

Volatile Organic Carbon (POC): It is the organic carbon value that can be blown optionally in the sample.

Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC): It is the dissolved organic carbon value found in the sample.

TC Measurement:

  • TC components oxidize or decompose to form CO2.
  • The carrier gas is cooled, dehumidified and passed through a halogen scrubber, from there, CO2 is detected by transmitting it to the NDIR-Detector.
  • NDIR detector produces a peak in the measurement result.
  • The area of ​​the measured peak is directly proportional to the TC concentration in the sample.

IC Measurement:

  • While in syringe, HCl is added to the sample and IC is converted to carbon dioxide
  • The carrier gas is sparged and this carbon dioxide is transported to the NDIR detector.
  • IC concentration is determined as in TC
  • Carbonate and hydrogen carbonates can be measured as IC.

NPOC Measurement:

  • The IC in the sample is converted to CO2 by adding hydrochloric acid.
  • CO2 in the sample is removed by sparging the sample with carrier gas.
  • The remaining carbon becomes NPOC and is measured exactly like TC determination
  • If the sample does not contain volatile organic carbon a quick calculation will be TOC = NPOC (DIRECT METHOD)

TOC Value can be obtained in two ways;

  1. TOC=TC-IC
    Total Organic Carbon = Total amount of carbon - Inorganic carbon content  (DIFFERENCE METHOD)
    Total Organic Carbon = Non-purgable organic carbon content -  Purgable carbon content (ADDING METHOD)

Measurement Values for Liquid Samples;

  • Measured values: TC, IC, TOC, NPOC (POC Optional)
  • Measuring Range: TC: 0-25000 mg/L (seyreltme ile)    IC: 0-3000mg/L  
  • Detection Limit: 50 µg/L
  • Measurement Accuracy: CV 1.5 % max
  • Measurement Time: TC: ~3 minute, IC:~4 minute
  • Sample Injection: 10~150µL

Measurement Values for Solid Samples;

  • Measured values: TC, IC, TOC
  • Measuring Range: TC:0.1mgC / 30mgC    IC: 0.1mgC  / 20mgC
  • Quantity of Sample: max 1g

Parameters That Can Be Analyzed;

  • TC (Total Carbon)
  • IC (Inorganic Carbon)
  • TOC (Total Organic Carbon)
  • NPOC (Non-volatile Organic Carbon)
  • POC (Volatile Organic Carbon)

High TOC values;

  • Can lead to breakdown of water purification systems. Used to determine the quality of water purification systems.
  • May contaminate pharmaceutical mixtures.
  • May cause decrease in semiconductor efficiency.
  • May cause damage to electricity and steam generating systems.

TOC measurements are used for the above reasons.

Sample Preparation

Liquid Samples; after the sample is diluted, the reading process is completed on the device.

Solid Samples; depending on sample’s specification;

  • Can be grinded directly (It should be powdered avoiding heat and preferably with a particle size of less than 200 μm)
  • If it is moist or pasty, it is dried in the oven at 105 ° C and made homogeneous by grinding.
  • if the samples containing little moisture, they are kept in the desiccator for 1 night before starting measurements on the device. The measurement is started after the dehumidified samples are weighed up to a maximum of 1g into the ceramic boat.

Usage Area

  • Water Samples
  • Pure water and ultra pure water
  • Process water samples,
  • refinement samples
  • Semi-product samples
  • Waste samples
  • Drug samples

Analysis Request Form for TOC

Device Users

Zubeyde Nur GOKDOGAN
(Device User)

E-Mail: zgokdogan@adiyaman.edu.tr 
Web: -

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2260

(Device User)

E-Mail: sdurak@adiyaman.edu.tr 
Web: -

Phone: +90 416 2233800 - 2260   

Analysis Name

Microwave Digestion System 

Device Brand and Model


General Information

Microwave digestion system  used to liquefy solid samples. After plugging the device can be used by console which is in the front panel. Pressure, temperature, temperature increase value and time parameters of the sample are saved to the program from this console. Required amount of the samples are added to the sample containers with the required chemicals. Microwave combustion can be started after all preparation of samples and chemicals in the sample containers with the console.

Sample Preparation

Depending on the sample, mechanical processes such as shredding, grinding, chopping must be applied before microwave combustion.

Usage Area

It is used to liquefy the solid samples to be analyzed in elemental analysis devices such as AAS and ICP-MS to make them suitable for analysis. It is a first sample preparation stage for these analysis.

Analysis Request Form for Sample Preparation in Microwave Digestion